Training - Managing Conflict


This interactive 1 day course, with open discussions and group work exercises is designed to:

  • Realise the actual risks from physical or verbal abuse by employees and customers, whether face-to-face, or by telephone;

  • Raise Manager’s awareness in order to recognise warning signs of danger;

  • Help managers manage conflict and aggressive incidents, and apply skills in order to prevent incidents from happening in the first place; 

  • Give managers the tools to make informed choices to keep themselves and others safe whilst going about their work.

Course Aims

Supporting managers to develop the skills they need to manage conflict when in direct contact with employees and/or customers, or indirectly when managing teams.  Enabling managers to enhance their communication techniques to prevent, defuse and deal with irate and aggressive people they meet and manage in the course of their work.


Click here to book a place on any of our forthcoming 'open' courses.  Alternatively, contact us to discuss a tailored course or to arrange a specific course for your company.